Day: 22/09/2021

The Weekly Snippet 3: Things I am pretty excited about.

Hey, hey, hey, hello! Here we are again! I am writing this while I am on a break from studying. Yes, you read it right. Classes have now started again and I am now a freshman for the Master of Industrial Relations program. It’s so amazing how fast the time has gone since I have applied for graduate school admissions. But at the same time, it feels weird to be having another year of online classes. I really did hope last year that the pandemic will be (done and) gone, and I will be starting my Masters’ back in my uni campus. In my dreams. The pandemic is far from being over, and for all intents and purposes, it has gotten worse, vaccine rollout or no. So I might as well be resigned to the idea that I shall graduate virtually for my Master’s. Pessimism aside, I do know that there’s always a silver lining in everything. So I will try to be a little more hopeful in this post. After all, this blog post is …