Author: Layla

Productive Fridays, satisfying car door slams, and much, much more.

  Image credit here   Eurgh. Probably the best way to describe how I feel today is that I’m tired. Bone tired. Today’s been a long day at work. But I’m pretty satisfied about how it turned out. I did three out of five tasks in my to-do list, I managed to study/prepare for my report that’s due after midterms, and I was able to get what I needed. #hellopaydaythankyou I’m actually trying to keep this post a little more serious–at this moment, I’m taking stock of where I am emotionally and mentally. Last year, I was a wreck. This year, medications notwithstanding, I could say that I’m in a better place. Oh yes, there are still days of agitation, stress, and dealing with toxic people, but I was able to cope. Without going into pieces, that is. I now have someone helping me with the minutiae of work, and I get along well with that colleague. Hopefully next year, I will have the confidence to apply for a promotion–and I will close my ears …

Life update number 2: A month into grad school, and a few important takeaways

  Hi! Here I am, writing this post whilst sick. No worries, I’m feeling slightly better, but not yet in perfect working condition. So, I have taken the time to write this little update. And tonight, whilst writing this entry, I realised that it’s been a month since I started graduate school. To use a cliche–time really does fly. And with that realisation, there are other things I have learned, too.

A little life update + current favourites

Hola! Hope you are all doing well. Here I am, a few weeks into graduate school. And to be honest, I felt a bit lost. But here’s the tea–graduate school is a different ballgame from law school. For years, I’ve gotten used to having insults hurled by professors whenever they do not like my answer, or whenever I gave a wrong one. While the professor seemed dissatisfied, he didn’t say anything more and asked the same question to a classmate.