Author: Layla

I’m saying goodbye to law school. And it’s okay.

Yes, it actually is, despite the fact that writing this is the one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. For years, I had my game plan–study law with enough passion to make a candle burn; take the Bar after graduation, and (God willing) pass the Bar, take the oath (at one point, I could recite it in my sleep), and sign in the Roll of Attorneys in front of the Bar Confidant. Sounds easy, right? No, not at all! I won’t lie, I failed subjects too, but not without learning the lesson behind it. There were times when I’ve wondered what was the point of the Negotiable Instruments Law, or the law on Partnership–or whether one is solidarily or jointly liable for some unfullfilled obligations. These thoughts, however, were formed during one of my weaker moments.

Read || The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice

How are you? How was your Valentine’s Day? Hope it went well. ๐Ÿ™‚ This is a book that I’ve been dying to review–but I re-read this book over and over to do this review justice. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s definitely my favourite book at the moment, and it’s been totally worth it to buy on Amazon. Because sadly, it’s not available in book shops in the Philippines. Yeah, I’m talking to you National Bookstore, Powerbooks, and Fully Booked. And people are missing a lot not reading this book! Well, at least I think so. Eva Rice’sย The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets takes place in 1950s England, a country still recovering from the effects of the Second World War, and still coping with rationing. At the same time, England was also invaded by America.

My (new) multi-purpose cookie dough recipe

  Baking cookies always gives me wonderful memories. Of wonderful Saturday afternoons baking cookies from the box (hi, White King), and dunking them into cold, fresh milk. Yum. When my older sister started baking stuff from scratch, I became her assistant. Measuring things, stirring the batter, or wrapping those baked goods into boxes. That however, wasn’t fodder enough for me to start venturing into baking on my own–until she left to work abroad. Fast forward to 2014, when I started baking cookies for friends and family. Of course they weren’t perfect–but people gave me helpful hints as to the texture and taste of the cookies. I’ve made a lucky hit with red velvet cookies–a recipe I’ll have to reproduce as I have lost it through the deletion of my old blog.