Author: Layla

Sipping on Something Good: Strawberry Cream Cheese Milk

Studying without eating is unthinkable–in my books, at least. And since there’s food, there has to be some kind of drink, right? To be honest, I’m quite excited about this drink, and how it’s borne out of an experiment and an inspiration. I’ve been drinking a lot of milk teas with different flavours and the one that struck me most was the “cocoa cream cheese” one. But since I have had trouble sleeping lately, caffeinated drinks were out of the question. Inspiration struck. I have strawberry milk powder and strawberry jam.  So I put myself to work. With a bit of whisking, and stirring, and a lot of trial and error, my little drink baby was born: a lovely concoction of cream, strawberry milk powder, strawberry jam and cream cheese. And boy, it tasted so good. 😉

Recently Read 3 || American Duchess by Karen Harper

This is the last of the three books I have read during the three-month quarantine that I am reviewing. As well, it would be the last non-academic reading material I will be engaging in as school will start in two weeks! I have to admit though that I am quite excited about going back to school, online, or otherwise. The American Duchess is not the first book I have read from Karen Harper’s work. It was engaging, and the marketing tagline was “Before there was Meghan Markle, there was Consuelo Vanderbilt.” As I was fascinated by the lives of those “Million Dollar American Princesses”, I was overjoyed to find the book in Scribd, of all places.

A very tasty potato galette

Again, hola amigos and amigas! 🙂 Yes, I’m a girl who loves to eat, and a girl who also loves to cook. I discovered this dish while looking at Facebook videos.  Facebook is a treasure trove where food videos are concerned, I kid you not. This tasty dish is called a potato galette and oh my, it is fancy. According to the Martha Stewart website, the potato galette is a staple dish in the French countryside. Although she made her galette differently, I’m sure her variation is just as good. I got this recipe from Cooking with Shereen. You can see more of her toothsome treats here and here.