All posts filed under: Life Lately

013. Another proof of life post.

  Here I am, bag and baggage, and to be honest, I’m not going to give any reasons for the prolonged, unannounced hiatus. Life has a funny way of sneaking up on us, and it has done so with me many times. I’m still processing it. There are days that I just want to cry, there are days that I am filled with rage; like the carpet or rug has been pulled from under me, and I am not happy about it. Two months ago, my mother joined our Creator. While I knew it was going to happen at some point, I wasn’t ready for it. None of us were. I was hoping she would rally through, but here we are. But I do have to remind myself that she is now healed, happy and whole, and reunited with my father, whom she loved very much. My world would be a different place without her in it now, but she is in a better place now. Where there is no pain or suffering. I’m taking …

012. Sorry, I just couldn’t shake this off.

Trigger warning: suicide. A few weeks ago, my work friends and I encountered huge traffic on our way home, which was an understatement. We checked in on Waze, to see what was going on. And we found out that someone committed suicide somewhere near where we live. It made me think about a lot of things. First off, about the person who committed suicide. Of course, I don’t know him or her, but I can only imagine how he must have felt like. That he or she is already in a dark place, and of course, the pandemic didn’t make things better. But I uttered a short, silent prayer that God will take care of that person, and make sure that he or she will be okay.

011. I’ve made a Notion template!

Are you a Notion user? If yes, how and where do you use it? I use it for both work and graduate school. I heard about Notion in 2019 but did not have time to explore it until the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic a year later. It’s weird, talking about something already four years old, but hey, it’s still a going concern, so there we go. So, back to Notion. Lately, I have tried to figure out how to make templates for my workspace. I used to get free templates that eventually didn’t work for me as they no longer suited my needs at some point in my life. So far, I have managed to make simple layouts, but believe me, the actual process of making them is by no means a simple one! Because I’m quite proud of myself, I’m happy to share with you my first Notion template. To get the template, head over here, and click on the two little squares next to the magnifying glass! 🙂