All posts filed under: Personal

anything that isn’t school or work related, I will share them here! :)

Productive Fridays, satisfying car door slams, and much, much more.

  Image credit here   Eurgh. Probably the best way to describe how I feel today is that I’m tired. Bone tired. Today’s been a long day at work. But I’m pretty satisfied about how it turned out. I did three out of five tasks in my to-do list, I managed to study/prepare for my report that’s due after midterms, and I was able to get what I needed. #hellopaydaythankyou I’m actually trying to keep this post a little more serious–at this moment, I’m taking stock of where I am emotionally and mentally. Last year, I was a wreck. This year, medications notwithstanding, I could say that I’m in a better place. Oh yes, there are still days of agitation, stress, and dealing with toxic people, but I was able to cope. Without going into pieces, that is. I now have someone helping me with the minutiae of work, and I get along well with that colleague. Hopefully next year, I will have the confidence to apply for a promotion–and I will close my ears …

Read || The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice

How are you? How was your Valentine’s Day? Hope it went well. ๐Ÿ™‚ This is a book that I’ve been dying to review–but I re-read this book over and over to do this review justice. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s definitely my favourite book at the moment, and it’s been totally worth it to buy on Amazon. Because sadly, it’s not available in book shops in the Philippines. Yeah, I’m talking to you National Bookstore, Powerbooks, and Fully Booked. And people are missing a lot not reading this book! Well, at least I think so. Eva Rice’sย The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets takes place in 1950s England, a country still recovering from the effects of the Second World War, and still coping with rationing. At the same time, England was also invaded by America.

Gifts the student in your life will appreciate AT ANY SEASON

  Missed a birthday? Too late for Christmas? Not able to make it for Valentine’s Day? Got a student in your life you need to appreciate? While this post is actually late, one can still give gifts that can be used throughout the year–especially when the recipient is a student! This post was inspired by a memory in law school: it was the season for class Christmas parties and exchanging gifts. One of my classmates played it safe and included a wishlist (I kid you not) along with the slip of paper where her “code name” was scribbled. Her list included: Post-Its (five pieces, the long yellow ones) Pilot G-Tech pens (0.3/0.4)–black, blue and red: TWO OF EACH Stabilo Boss Highlighters (Blue, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Green–AGAIN, TWO OF EACH) Index cards, both sides unruled; 100 pieces. 1 ten piece set of Staedtler Fineliner pens Okay, I can go on all afternoon! But at least you get the gist. The funny thing was, she wasn’t alone where wishlists were concerned. A few classmates even ventured as …