All posts filed under: Personal

anything that isn’t school or work related, I will share them here! :)

Why I’m keeping my to-be-read list short, and my Goodreads book challenge update.

Note: This post is a tongue-in-cheek explanation why I don’t have a long to-be-read list. I see a lot of people on my Goodreads feedĀ  have a to-be-read list as long as their arm. While I can only look in envy, I know that I cannot read over 20 books in one year. I don’t even know if I can complete my Goodreads reading challenge of 15 books. But we shall try. So, let’s get into it! Recently, I have visited Goodreads, and a lot of my friends have joined the 2022 reading challenge. They have listed as much as 75 books for their to be read challenge. Holy guacamole. It made me yearn for the days when I was still able to read as many books in a year. Fast forward to this year–it is already a treat when I don’t read a journal article! Also, I want to “curate” the books I read, which I split into two categories: books that I enjoy reading, and books that I can learn from. So far …

My 2022 to-be-read bookstack

Happy new year! Hope you are all well and safe–although this is easier said than done. COVID cases are surging again, and nearly every one I know are either positive or manifesting symptoms. #fuckyouomicron I’m praying for everyone to get better or feel better soon–COVID is not something to be sneezed at (no pun intended). Speaking of the new year, what better opportunity to do something different? Like taking on a new hobby, starting a new fitness regime, eat a different food category? This year though, I’ve decided to get back into reading. So I’ve joined the Goodreads 2022 reading challenge. I’ve listed only 15 books for this year–because let’s start small, and yeah, I’ll explain further in another post. For now though, here are eight of the fifteen books I plan to read this year.

I’ve read four of the books Audrey Hope from the Gossip Girl reboot read…

..and here’s what I think so far. Who doesn’t like messy teen drama? I’m guilty of liking it. But I’m also guilty of liking characters from messy teen dramas who stand out. And how does this character stand out? By being a bookworm with tough, dismissive exterior, hiding a loving, caring heart underneath. I could go on why I love her, but this isn’t what this blog post is about. Audrey reads books that have very diverse themes–from affairs, women’s lives, essays about music, culture, literature, art, and even poetry. Her reading list (yes, she has one!) is pretty extensive, but I have read four so far. I will be sharing my (short) takeaways/reviews, and I hope it’ll encourage you to read them, too! Ornament and Silence: Essays on Women’s Lives, from Virginia Woolf to Germaine Greer Kennedy Fraser, 1996, Knopf From writers, artists’ wives, feminists, and even naturalists, Kennedy Fraser wrote about various women. My favourite essay is the one on Miriam Rothschild Lane. She was so passionate about nature and butterflies. Not only …