All posts filed under: Personal

anything that isn’t school or work related, I will share them here! :)

On grieving and adjusting.

So it’s been a long time since I have posted anything on here. Not that there’s a want of having anything to say; rather, it’s the Herculean effort taken to process things. So many things happened in the space of two months, ranging from the most mundane to the most painful: so much stuff to deal with at work and school, the slow crumbling of my (already fragile) mental health, and then the loss of a loved one.

Recently Read 4 || The Gilded Age trio: To Marry an English Lord by Gail McColl, The Husband Hunters by Anne de Courcy, and The Glitter and the Gold by Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan

Anyone who knows me well that I love period dramas like a little boy loves cake. It’s a poor simile, I know, but that’s what I can think of right now. But if there’s any specific period that interests me, it’s the late nineteenth century, up to the end of the Second World War. And I enjoy reading about that period, too. There were books that I wanted to buy and am saving up for, but recently, I have found the top three that I really wanted to buy, and I can read them for free. Where else? Scribd, of course. Sure, I pay for a subscription, but it’s a perk of said subscription, so it’s all good.

The Life-Changing Magic of Having Everything You Need On Your Desk

I usually prepare my room for a life change every year (well, almost every year). Going back to school, or just plain needing a change, my room’s layout gets revamped. And while I acknowledge that it is very labour intensive and er, dusty, the results are totally worth the muscle pain and allergic rhinitis. Tidying up also involves my desk, and I make sure I have everything I need within reach, so it’ll save me time trying to fumble with drawers and looking for things. Let me take you for a mini-desk tour, where I’ll show you all what’s on my desk. I’ve had this desk since I was in high school. My father bought it from a Japanese surplus store, and it was such a wonderful surprise since he bought us our very own study tables whilst my sister, brother and I was away at camp! However, I’m considering getting a new one as I need something larger that can also make room for a printer. For now, though, I can make do.