All posts filed under: Personal

anything that isn’t school or work related, I will share them here! :)

Recently Read 3 || American Duchess by Karen Harper

This is the last of the three books I have read during the three-month quarantine that I am reviewing. As well, it would be the last non-academic reading material I will be engaging in as school will start in two weeks! I have to admit though that I am quite excited about going back to school, online, or otherwise. The American Duchess is not the first book I have read from Karen Harper’s work. It was engaging, and the marketing tagline was “Before there was Meghan Markle, there was Consuelo Vanderbilt.” As I was fascinated by the lives of those “Million Dollar American Princesses”, I was overjoyed to find the book in Scribd, of all places.

Recently Read 2|| The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp by Eva Rice

Reading a good book is something like eating your favourite meal: you want to savour every bite, wanting it to last longer. That’s exactly how I felt when I read Eva Rice’s The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp. The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp Eva Rice 2013, Heron Books 583 pages Summary In this novel, we get to meet Tara Jupp, a seventeen-year-old girl living in 1960s Britain. A minister’s daughter living in Cornwall, she lives with her father and her many siblings.

Preparing for a new semester.

Well, hello there! And hello, August! We’re having a pretty late start where the first semester is concerned, but with the world being pretty much upside down at the moment, it’s understandable. I’ve gotten word that enrollment will start mid-August. And that’s just mighty fine with me. I’m pretty excited yet apprehensive. I don’t know how online learning is going to pan out. I guess we shall wait and see.