All posts filed under: Something personal

007. Stop the world, I want to get off.

  Yes, I know it’s the name of a musical, but it’s exactly how I felt for the past five weeks. I thought I was okay, but something happened, and it made me realise how wrong I was. But enough about me. How are you all feeling? Have you ever reached the point where you think everything seems to spiral out of control, and it feels like there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop the spiralling from happening? That was exactly how I felt, and honestly, I am still feeling it now. While the spiralling is gradually slowing down, it wasn’t the kind of slowing down that I wanted. But hey, it’s progress, so I’ll take it. Oh, to have my peace of mind back.

006. It’s fine, we’re fine.

  This is pretty much a “proof of life” post. It’s incredible how fast time flies–one day, we’re starting a whole new year, and today, we’re in the second half. So many things have happened. I know, I know, it’s the age-old excuse, but it’s not an untruth. I’ve been busy with school and I had to deal with many things at work. In addition, I also had to help prepare for our division’s team-building activities, and it was an absolute blast. Since I participated, I was able to recharge my batteries. Being by the sea can do that to you. I was glad I went, as I was in an emotional slump, and I have had one bad mental health day after another. Taking a day off (with people I love at work) was the absolute ticket. I loved every moment of it. I will have a separate photo-dump post because I took masses of pictures and it would be a shame not to share any of it.

004. Tempus fugit.

  Yes, it’s been a month. How time flies! I say this without a trace of irony. Days seem to fly by quickly, and when I say quickly, I mean obscenely fast.  And speaking of time, I’ve spent a lot of time processing what has happened the past month. No one was at fault–and as what I have said previously, it ended the way it did. And even before things ended, I have been obsessing over things that I shouldn’t have. Focusing on these things have made me forget that I have been shutting out other things in my life.