All posts filed under: Something personal

003. February: “Went under a bus, got hit by a train.”

    The love month came in quickly and is leaving just as quickly. And frankly, it’s a relief. Emotions are all over the place, and I wish I could blame it on the hormones. Relationships start, and they end. As much as possible, I avoid talking about my romantic relationships. It’s not a matter of keeping it secret, but rather, it’s something between me and my partner. And to be honest, once people know about it, they will have a lot to say, and far too often, they are unsolicited advice, and in some cases jokes that are part unkind and part something else. A friend jokingly commented, “AFAM, sagot sa kahirapan!” It’s not a funny joke, and never will be. I had to shut that down quickly, as it was an uncalled-for joke. Even if it’s given by people you consider close friends. It was by no means an easy relationship. A long distance one never really is, and I know fully well the kind of commitment it entails. In many cases they …

002. I’ve been sick, and it’s not cute: reflections while in the sickbed and others in between

  Well, hello there. Been pretty ill, and it was not exactly a great sensation. Returning to work felt like having a pair of jelly legs: just feeling wobbly overall. There are times that it felt like my body was in one place and my mind in another. But despite that, I am grateful for the end of each work day, as I get to tick one box for every task accomplished. I have been feeling on edge about something I couldn’t explain, but I am slowly working out through the kinks. Since I have been ill for the most part of the first week of the new year, I have not been able to restart myself where health  (mental and physical) is concerned. Hopefully, I can establish some sort of rhythm: one that’s not so rigid, one that’s a little more forgiving. During my four-day convalescence (I speak as though I am some Victorian maiden wasting away on some mysterious disease), I was able to reflect though. About who I am as a person, …

The Life-Changing Magic of Having Everything You Need On Your Desk

I usually prepare my room for a life change every year (well, almost every year). Going back to school, or just plain needing a change, my room’s layout gets revamped. And while I acknowledge that it is very labour intensive and er, dusty, the results are totally worth the muscle pain and allergic rhinitis. Tidying up also involves my desk, and I make sure I have everything I need within reach, so it’ll save me time trying to fumble with drawers and looking for things. Let me take you for a mini-desk tour, where I’ll show you all what’s on my desk. I’ve had this desk since I was in high school. My father bought it from a Japanese surplus store, and it was such a wonderful surprise since he bought us our very own study tables whilst my sister, brother and I was away at camp! However, I’m considering getting a new one as I need something larger that can also make room for a printer. For now, though, I can make do.